NewsKeep up with current events and all things CookBooky.
CookBooky Releases v.1 [β]
Saturday, July 13, 2013
We are pleased to announce the immediate, beta-release of CookBooky v.1 [β]. Please join us in evaluating CookBooky's general application flow and report any inconsistencies or errors. Please also feel free to use the contact us page to send in any comments or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from y'all.
CookBooky Mobile Coming Soon!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
I have been working diligently on a stand-alone, mobile version of CookBooky for use on your mobile devices. Written in jQuery Mobile, this "mobile-first" version will be better formatted to fit your mobile devices' screens and more "touch-friendly" across phones and tablets. Look for it soon!